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Huddlestone Clumbers


We, John and Jane Smith-Bodden, have been involved with working Clumber spaniels for many years – serving as officers and key committee members of The Working Clumber Spaniel Society for some 12 years until 2022 when John resigned as Chairman of the Society and its committee to 'spend more time with our dogs!

After driving the Society forward for so many years we arrived at the position where the next stage for our working line needed independence from the confines of a committee.

Our opinions are strongly held, but they are our own!


The most prominent of our Clumbers, Rigg, has made breed history. Competing against 17 Springers Rigg won an AV Field Trial in 2016, the first Clumber in over 120 years to do so. He followed this with an award at Open level, which has never been achieved by a Clumber Spaniel before.


We believe that Field Trial success is important in proving that the breed is restored to a level at which it can trouble much more numerous Springer spaniels, The original purpose of Field Trials was to assess the work abilities of the dog, with a view to it being proved as important in the breeding programme.


We are fortunate in the continued training involvement of Roy Ellershaw; a national championship A Panel judge whose Fernmoss Cocker spaniels are renowned in the gundog world.


Our commitment to producing good working Clumbers is illustrated by a recently developed 8 acres of training ground covering most spaniel requirements.


As one of the most influential working kennels in the UK we are keen to help and advise anyone whose interests are the further development of this ancient breed. The Clumber spaniel has enjoyed a renaissance as a respected working gun dog, and we believe that hard-won working ability must be protected above all other considerations. Generally that means selective, intelligent breeding with health balanced with function at all times.





We have over 8 acres of ground packed full of areas specifically for the training of our Clumbers. This year Huddlestone Clumbers has initiated Training Events at all levels, featuring the proven skills of Roy Ellershaw in bringing the very best out of the breed, and handlers at all levels.


Woods, a variety of well scented cover, water, retrieving lanes, ditches, jumps and remote- controlled dummy launchers offer superb opportunities for our handlers and dogs.



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